This is one that has the spacemen from the third planet constructing a mechagodzilla to destroy Tokyo so that they can rebuild it as they want. Also includes a mad Dr who can control another monster called Titanosaurus, but fear not as good old Godzilla appears and beats them both up in the end. Yahoo!
(Very cool silver space gadget halfway through that's actually made of lego!).
DVD Region 1
What's wrong with the 2nd best Danish export in the world? (The first being the Cheese Bacongrill)
The memsahib pointed out that Babylon 5 was made entirely of Lego (and was none the worse for that).
Well, lego is fine - and sometimes more tasty than the mentioned bacon grill... It just seems a little odd in Godzillavile that they went to so much effort to build mechagodzilla yet only used lego for the close ups...
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